Case Study: Genesis Marina


  • Location: Brisbane, USA

  • Facility Size: 560,000 sq ft

  • Typology: Biotech - Core & Shell 

  • Architect: SOM 

  • Developer: Phase 3 Real Estate Partners, Inc.

  • General Contractor: Webcor

  • TRUE Consultant: All About Waste 

Key Facts and Figures:

  • 86,000+ tons diverted from landfill - equivalent to 380x the weight of the Statue of Liberty

  • Over $34,000 saved from reuse initiatives implemented during construction

  • 1,391 MT of greenhouse gas emissions reduced - equivalent to 310 gasoline powered cars driven for one year

Sustainability Goals:

  • TRUE for Construction - Gold Certification

  • Percent of Overall Waste Diversion Achieved: 98.4%

What We Delivered:

  • TRUE Certification Project Management, Consulting, Support, & Research

  • Complete TRUE documentation preparation, submission, and coordination with GBCI

  • TRUE Zero Waste Audit, material characterization, material and contamination quantification

  • A TRUE Zero Waste Audit Report with detailed metrics, charts, and photos for all waste streams

  • Analysis of materials generated, operational procedures observed, and more

  • Actionable recommendations for onsite teams to reduce waste, increase diversion, and improve upon current operations

Zero Waste Practices Implemented: 

  1. Source reduction: Only reusables are used in the pantry within the jobsite trailer; hand dryers are used in all of the bathrooms in the trailer; no paper towels are being generated.

  2. Source reduction & creativity & health initiative: Plastic bottle reduction; repurposing catering carts into hydration and hand washing stations.

  3. Waste separation salvage & reuse: All wood pallets are saved and reused by Webcor Equipment.

  4. Waste separation & correct infrastructure + education programs + creativity: Collection points are distributed throughout the site. All the bins are correctly labeled and use images and bi-lingual signage to communicate with the workers.

  5. Recycling & education / programs & creativity: A dashboard has been designed and displayed on the trailer’s external wall so everyone can see the project diversion rate and other data. This is an important component to keep people engage and educated.

  6. Waste separation & correct infrastructure + education programs + selecting the right partners: The C&D hauler is a key partner for providing the right strategies for waste sorting and recycling. All bins have signage with different color coding (that is used site-wide) and is bilingual as well. Central collection points are available in the trailer (NO desk bins are available) All the bins are correctly labeled and use images and bilingual signage to communicate.

  7. Education programs & health initiatives: Daily safety training is taking place. The zero waste goal and hazardous waste prevention and handling is part of the safety training.

  8. Source reduction + salvage & reuse: All the furniture for office and meeting rooms were reused at Genesis Marina.

  9. Recycling + creativity + waste separation: A Terracycle box is available at the jobsite trailer for materials that are not acceptable in the regular recycling stream - such as chip bags.


All About Waste partnered with Webcor at Genesis Marina by supporting waste reduction activities, promoting reuse and salvage of materials, providing a closed loop system for several materials that were landfill-bound but were repaired instead, and pricing social equity and local jobs. Located on a former landfill, the Genesis Marina project site has diverted 98.4% of its waste from landfills and incineration. These efforts help significantly reduce carbon emissions, support public health, and promote local jobs and alternatives to the traditional approach of disposing of the materials – aligning with the stringent California policies driving the state to a circular economy future. Download the project's TRUE case study here.


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